Welcome to Cheadle (Staffs) u3a |
Welcome to the Cheadle (Staffordshire) u3a Website and the start of your journey to discovering more about us. By clicking through the pages we hope you will gain a good insight into everyday life in Cheadle u3a and the benefits membership can bring to you.
About us:
Our u3a is part of a national organisation, the Third Age Trust, with over 1000 local u3as spread across the UK. We have over 700 members at Cheadle u3a and 50 Activity Groups available for their enjoyment. All of our groups are listed on this website .The majority of our groups are Monday to Friday during the hours of 9am and 4pm making membership of our u3a ideal for those adults who are retired or semi- retired and have free time during those days/hours to make the most of their u3a membership.
Our Group Leaders volunteer their time. Many have led groups for several years, some for more than twenty years, and all have lots of knowledge and experience to share. We encourage members who wish to join the Group Leader team and we actively pursue ideas for new groups and short courses. The ethos of our u3a is for all members to have the opportunity to ‘Learn, Laugh, Live’. We aim to provide a safe environment where everyone is valued and treated with kindness.
Our main base is at the Guild Hall in Cheadle but Activity Groups also use several venues in the local area. Our venues have disabled access and facilities. (The exception is our computer suite at the Guild Hall where access is via stairs).
Click here to check out our Activity Groups
Click here to view our Picture Gallery
Click here to go to our Join Us page
Messages from Members:
“When I joined my group the other group members and Group Leader went out of their way to pass on their knowledge and experience and to make me feel welcome.”
“There is never a need to be lonely when you’re a member of the u3a because there are so many groups to choose from and so many other members to make friends with.”
“I was scared of going somewhere new on my own for the first time but the group members are so friendly and make you feel welcome and now I’ve made new friends who have the same interests as I do”
“You’ll never get bored if you’re a member of the u3a there is so much to do”
“I’d never played sport before I joined the u3a and now I play in the Walking Netball, Walking Hockey, Bowling and Pickle Ball groups”
“I joined the u3a a few months ago with my sister after I took early retirement. We really enjoy going to our Art group. I’d never picked up a paint brush before and now I’m happily painting with water colours.”
“There are other blokes in my group and we often socialise. We talk about all the usual things men like to talk about. Men need to have friends to talk to just as much as women do”.
“I joined Cheadle u3a twenty five years ago when it first started and I’ve made lifelong friends. We have a lovely time in our Activity Groups and put the world to rights too”